So long the veil of unknown covers our eyes everything is illusion. Science works on data, this data helps to remove the veils to expose the science behind things. We as a generation have grown on education based on these scientific process. What we forget is, this education is not designed to create thinkers, it …
Ever since I have left school, I have never seen (and probably you would also) a teacher of a knotty subject like mathematics, in a lecture, spending more than half of his time, with both thumbs attached firmly to the belt loops in his jeans. He was the cool dude of the school, for him …
In our previous example of finding the roots of a quadratic equation using the Bisection Method, we observed that a piece of code was repeated twice: once to calculate the positive root and then again to find the negative root. This repetition involves the same logic with just a change in variables. # Bisection loop …