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I am assuming most of you would have heard this term at least once. Also, pretty certain that a vast majority of you, are confused about it’s exact meaning. This (in)famous yog comes a lot during the marriage consultations and has been blamed a lot in almost 95% of cases as a marriage breaker. But …
पहिली गोष्ट जी हा picture बघताना लक्षात येते, ती म्हणजे drone शॉट मध्ये कुठली पण गोष्ट glamorous दिसते, मग ती पुण्याची मंडई असो किंवा पर्वती , कुठल्या तरी फॉरेन लोकेशन च वाटते . पुण्यातले जर असाल तर बराच वेळा, ठिकाण ओळखण्यात मजा येते. Overall the movie is good, has it’s moments, plot is basically simple, …