Initial impressions of Raazi revolve around patriotism veering on the side of jingoism, however what unfolds on the screen is a deeply personal story, of the toll a conflict takes on individuals, questioning the boundaries of faith, love, loyalty, respect and above all duty. The most poignant dialog of the movie is at the end, …
Animation films have a way of making deep philosophical commentary, using simple story line and a premise relying on fantasy. Surprisingly, the same fantasy poses an important question for us the the viewer Wall-E Wall-E did it with a simple plot, humorous gags, exciting climax, and yet under all that it posed an important question, …
Binge watching needs a separate category now and series should be ranked in terms of their ‘Binge watchable ness’. This is because binge watching exposes certain facets of a series especially when it comes to ‘fast forward’ parts. I go for binge watching series only when their run is completed, I began with first season …