Continued from Article 1

Evolution of research Communique

Paradigms are not static, progress in research invariably leads to shifting of a paradigm. As a new paradigm is developed, the first challenge for it is to attract most of the next generation of researchers.
1st Stage of Evolution :
Old beliefs gradually disappear, as many members convert to the new beliefs. Loyalist of old beliefs increasingly become isolated and stay back. The newly evolved ones move on to forming special groups.

Philosophy and Science were initially under the same umbrella

But then Science evolved into a separate group,

which today has further evolved into separate groups of Life Science, Physics, etc

As the Evolution goes on, these groups will get further divided

Like Genetics in Life Sciences.

Evolution of research Documentation

As these special groups form, there is evolution of the research documentation. Early work, either through books or articles, has to begin explaining the topic from it’s introduction. At this point it is accessible to a vast majority of the learned society.

However when a paradigm gets established within a special group, researchers no longer feel the need for justifying the use of each concept introduced. They begin to take the Paradigm for granted within their group, and no longer feel the need to address the vast majority. They focus only within their group.

Like Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ was accessible to anyone who might be interested in the subject, because the paradigm that Darwin proposed was in its initial stages.

But as the paradigm progressed, modern day scientist take it for granted, and hence instead of comprehensive books, they prefer to publish articles addressed to only their professional colleagues (Special Group : The researchers whose knowledge of a shared paradigm is assumed)

Hence, now these articles are not easy reading for anyone who is learned, it is only for those who posses membership of the special group.

Thus as specialized groups are created access to knowledge becomes engulfed in barriers, as the the research communique tend to seem more and more esoteric to anyone outside of the special group

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