Vyasa’s epic tale becomes more menacing as it moves from Dvapur Yuga to Kali Yuga. Honor has left the stage; warriors don’t face each other by the rules of war; instead, they scheme via proxies and assassins. At one level, you might think that this is a simple re-telling of the tale in a modern …
Justice league is an attempt of DC universe to create an equivalent Avengers team. In Avengers however, the leader is clear, Iron Man, contrastingly the League is yet to find a leader. Batman after the Nolan trilogy is more human, it takes a huge effort from the villains to knock Iron Man down, Batman falls …
Start calling SadeSati (SS) a blessing, and people will believe you have gone nuts. However, today’s minority opinion is surprisingly the Seer’s opinion who composed the fundamentals of Jyotish! SadeSati’s literal translation is seven and a half. Then, why is it associated with so much dread? Well, this seven and half year period is ruled …