Unconsequential is a spelling mistake, but really who cares, especially if we are going to talk about the movies that we are going to! First is Rampage, and the first enlightened thought while watching the movie was the realization that Dwyane Johnson (the Rock) is nothing but Mithun with better CGI (Computer Graphics). At conceptual …
(with inputs from Mr Siddharth Khare) Baby Steps to start a New Diet The main problem with rigorous ‘Dieting’ is that it typically fails within 5 weeks or so, and main reason for the failure is mental fortitude. Your brain and body does not adapt to the random stress put on it and pushes you …
Someone very wise has remarked, ‘Something is a sport only when the other side knows that there is a game on’. And by this definition hunting is NOT a sport. Hunting for food is an activity, hunting for pleasure in this modern-day and age can be achieved by a nice simulation in a video game. …