yellow yellow… dirty fellow… sitting on a buffalo The greatest riddle that one can encounter is that, “how is it, that the first rhyme that students of Crescent High School, Pune, manage to learn is yellow yellow..when the rhyme is actually making a mockery of themselves” Alternating Yellow(P) and White(S) form the basic backbone of …
To square the moral circle “Dream Girl” is a movie that works really well in the first half, however by the second half it can be best described as “patchy”. Ayushaman Khurana has developed a knack of delving into odd stories with esoteric plot-lines. Badhai Ho and now Dream Girl are just that, interesting plot …
If it is a matter of learning or understanding astrology, the way we understand basic biology, chemistry etc, then the fundamental question is the question of utility? Very relevant as India is in the process of formulating a new education policy. And education is definitely a matter of utility, unless you live in Scandinavia. Why …