continued from part 1 Cut to 2020-21 India’s tour of Australia. India began the test series without Sharma’s key ladke, batting ace Rohit and bowling spearhead Ishant. This was the opening for a string of forced absentees in the Indian team. Next, India’s best bowlers Shami and Umesh Yadav, were injured in the first and …
Whiplash is one of those movies, where, the first viewing is not enough, it requires many subsequent viewings, each proving more insight than the previous viewing. At first glance, the movie seems to have straight forward plot. The story revolves around two central characters, an Instructor and his student. It primarily depicts a clash between …
Leicester City That Magical seasonI I was one of the earliest adopters of the liecester dream, around late September 2015, all because of one man, Claudio Ranieri. The season, 2015-16 begun on a promising note for Arsenal, Arsene Wenger managed to get over the Murhinio Jinx for the first time, as Arsenal defeated Chelsea in …