Two movies based on true events, two movies gunning for the Oscars, two movies with splendid actors, two movies on historical choices having great significance for today’s world, hence, I decided to watch the two movies on consecutive days! It is as if both movies were competing for the title of ‘shortest timeline’, The Post …
In our ‘Bisection’ program designed to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation, we have identified a specific issue. It appears that our program functions correctly when one root is positive and the other is negative. However, when both roots are either positive or negative, our program does not perform efficiently. This situation is technically …
हमने जो की थी मोहब्बत , आज भी है तेरी ज़ुल्फो के साये की चाहत आज भी है , रात काट टी है आज भी खयालो में तेरे , दीवानो सी वोह मेरी हालत आज भी है , किसी और के तसव्वुर को उठती नहीं , बेईमान आँखों में थोड़ी सी शराफत आज भी है …