Serene, Tranquil, Soothing, Joyful, Peaceful

A leisured Read for a calm mind
In the serene moments of life you contemplate, you wonder, you are amazed by the world around us. These serene moments can come anytime, when you are alone at your favorite spot, or when you are with your closest of friends.
The Tranquility of the moment is like a warm camp fire on a nice breezy night. In such tranquil moments you take trips, some take you down the memory lane, some stories are shared, some jokes are cracked, you reflect on a movie, the chat gently streams from one topic to another with the cool breeze. Idiagress is an attempt to recreate that tranquil space.

A read for your leisure time, relaxing like a chai, hopefully spurring you to digress into your own memories and serene spaces.

I Di-a-Gressed Spelling Story

The Genesis of ‘I Di-A-Gress’

An Engineer, A Doctor, A Lawyer, A Chartered Accountant, and An Athlete sat around a table at a pristine restaurant gallery overlooking the hills of Mahableshwar. The settings had all the elements of a boring conversation as the group had nothing in common, their professional interests, work locations were all apart. But, they still hit a chord as they all were from the same school. From trying to remember 'that' incident when they all got the punishment of standing outside principal's office, to the time when they all scraped through a thrilling cricket match. They chatted about the movie they all had seen after the SSC boards exams, and about how they ran in circles to get their driving license.
Memories spread the warmth on that breezy night. Surprisingly, the topics didn't stay confined to shared memories, they talked about the latest discoveries in science, shared some funny jokes, enjoyed some nice Urdu Shayari, and soon some classical Hindi songs resonated in the atmosphere. Each one exchanged ideas, however, since each person was from a different field, the ideas had to be generic, they had to be explained, they had to be relatable for everyone.
  Soon enough, a white daze began to rise from the horizon, birds began to chirp, the night had passed. None of them carried the fatigue of a lost sleep, instead, all of them had broad smiles as they made their way back to the rooms for the best kind of sleep - the lazy-day-sleep.

One of them remarked, "What a night, we effortlessly digressed from one topic to another," Immediately, another one of them corrected the speaker, "It is not di-gressed, it is di-aya-gressed." Everyone shared an opinion on the sound of 'a' in the word, and by the vote of majority, it was concluded that the correct word is 'Di-A-gressed.'

And we continue to use that spelling to this day!

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Idiagress PRINT Magazine

We have come out with a ‘Limited Print’ magazine, distributed once every two months. The idea is to rekindle the joy of reading and enjoy the feeling you get when you hold a magazine in your hands. Our hope is that it will be ‘an interesting read’ for you.
Alternatively, you can also download the PDF or view it online on our site. To check out our issues click here.
Furthermore, we are sure you also have some quirky stories within you. Use our platform to share your thoughts. Our only condition is that it should be a light, joyful, and informative read. An incentive, (as if you need one!), if your story/article is shortlisted for the print issue, we will send you five copies of that issue, to spread the joy around. What are you waiting for? Write to us:



An Eclectic Mix

Snowpiercer is your garden variety sci fi movie. Misdirected science ushers in the apocalypse, in this case a super ice age. Noah’s train houses all that is left of humanity, however this no biblical story, hence it has tyrant, an upsurging hero, good vs the bad, drama, intelligent lines along the way, a few scientific …

Binge watching needs a separate category now and series should be ranked in terms of their ‘Binge watchable ness’. This is because binge watching exposes certain facets of a series especially when it comes to ‘fast forward’ parts. I go for binge watching series only when their run is completed, I began with first season …

Whiplash is one of those movies, where, the first viewing is not enough, it requires many subsequent viewings, each proving more insight than the previous viewing. At first glance, the movie seems to have straight forward plot. The story revolves around two central characters, an Instructor and his student. It primarily depicts a clash between …