When the Gods want to Punish us… They answer our Prayers Oscar Wilde When it comes to punishing its folks, Crescent comes across as one of the most liberal institutions around.. and sometimes the Punishments beg a question, as to whom are exactly the punishments meant for: Crime: Shabbiness Indications: Dirty Clothes (Not Ironed), Dirty …
I am categorizing the articles by chapter and page number. for Example the first post has a Title : 2.pg18 Herein ‘2’ is the Chapter (Section) number and pg 18 is page number 18. So it means Chapter 2 has been discussed up to page number 18 These page number are based on …
Binge watching needs a separate category now and series should be ranked in terms of their ‘Binge watchable ness’. This is because binge watching exposes certain facets of a series especially when it comes to ‘fast forward’ parts. I go for binge watching series only when their run is completed, I began with first season …