un Understand

There are many things that I have always wondered..
What do Toppers think of when they are going to the exam
I for one used to be crapped up by the exam day, I used to be like, ‘lets get this over with’,, and I wonder what do those super mario elites think of the day.. Ï will top this exam, this exam is chillar, .. what motivates them.. was always a puzzle.
Similarly I look with equal amazement at those child prodigies, who at the age of 14-15, are already answering questions .. I always knew I wanted to be a cricketer, or tennis player, or singer..I am like ‘Abe apni umar ka toh khayal kar !!”  anyways if Rooney can write a autobiography at the age of 18 then what is the harm in other people doing that… I would have also written mine, but it would have been endless pages of.. done nothing, went to school, came back, went to play, came back, slept, woke up late, rushed to school,, thought of good excuses for not doing home work, sat in school … good I did not not write one..
I wonder where they get their maturity from,, I once had met a prodigy fellow, who had completed his Bachelors in engineering at the age of 18,, at 12 he had appeared for tenth.. we used to call him Harry Puttar… at age of 12 I was thinking in terms of ‘when am I supposed to stop wearing this ridiculously short and pokingly yellow colored pants to school’ .. I wonder what Harry will do at the age of 50 .. retire !!!…. one thing I never quite understood, why did Harry the genius, the prodigy, the 18yr old engineer…JOIN a software company after his degree !!! well if are going to join a software company only after all that,, why not do it after being an engineer at 23.. or why be an engineer be a Bcom with a comp course at 23, or BSc with comp course at 23,,, or a mechanical engineer with 5 yrs of manufacturing experience at 2+ (with a comp course).. or why not just do a comp course after __ _____ .. why the hell will you sprint the first 100m of a race only to run to the exit of the stadium ..
anyways one superlative mystery
also bogs my mind…
why is makar sankrnat always on 14th of Jan?
why every festival, Diwali, Eid, Ganpati, Padwa, Pongal,, keep on migrating on the calendar.. sometimes this or that month… but why does makar sankrant like the north star of Indian festivals always points to 14th Jan… quite a mystery !!! anyways instead of pondering better to eat til gul I guess
(for the geeks, wikipedia just happens to have an answer to my question… but then just imagine what if wikipedia was not there… what if the internet was not there…. ok then my blog would not have been there….. Its a philosophical question !!! )


  1. Arden Fry
    April 29, 2021

    Good Article

    Thanks, Arden Fry

  2. Malissa Corlette
    June 8, 2021

    Thanks, Malissa Corlette

  3. Isidro Causey
    July 5, 2021


  4. Lorena Saucedo
    August 4, 2021


  5. Mamie Locklear
    September 7, 2021


  6. Allison Mccool
    October 7, 2021

    good article

  7. Bernardo
    February 25, 2022

    Initially the article confused me a bit, then I got a hang of it

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