A Trip down the Memory Lane

Days Under the Crescent Sun

School Memories and More



An Eclectic Mix

‘Ok Computer’ is precisely the kind of series I would have imagined as a fourteen-year-old. Remember, for an Indian kid of the nineties, the Sci-Fi benchmark was Captain Vyom. The show’s biggest USP were sliding doors, which we later came to know were manually operated. We cannot imagine an incredibly slick Sci-Fi on a tight …

The new Ittefaq is certainly more sleek, coherent, in it’s storyline compared to the 1969 classic, After all, how does a suspected schizophrenic, an established murderer, allowed to roam with his own cigarette lighter. He is stripped of all possessions, is having jail like numbered clothes, even though he is technically in a mental hospital, …

I am committing sacrilege by writing about a Marathi book in Ingrazi (English.) My justification is that I am writing for the off chance that some bilingual person who has lost touch with their roots is inspired to revisit Marathi literature. After taking that high moral stand, let me come to a book grounded in …