For us earthlings, everything revolves around our lovely star Sun. Every civilization on earth, by some or the other way, kept Sun at their heart. As societies progressed, some of them sidelined him, some did not. Some societies still pray to Sun, either directly or indirectly. At least they have a ‘halo’ behind the head …
There is a reason that Jason Statham will never make it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) nor the DC Universe, and the movie ‘The Meg’ showcases it perfectly. The reason is : Jason Statham is a super hero just because he is ‘Jason Statham’. He does not need a radioactive disaster or even alien …
हमने जो की थी मोहब्बत , आज भी है तेरी ज़ुल्फो के साये की चाहत आज भी है , रात काट टी है आज भी खयालो में तेरे , दीवानो सी वोह मेरी हालत आज भी है , किसी और के तसव्वुर को उठती नहीं , बेईमान आँखों में थोड़ी सी शराफत आज भी है …