Ever since I have left school, I have never seen (and probably you would also) a teacher of a knotty subject like mathematics, in a lecture, spending more than half of his time, with both thumbs attached firmly to the belt loops in his jeans. He was the cool dude of the school, for him …
I have heard of the great California Gold Rush, it is said that actually many people did get some Gold back then, a few years back, in the sleepy city of Pune, there was a similar Rush, a Gold and Fortune Rush, however true to 21st century futurism, rather than being an actual Gold Rush, …
In Python, the default data type for the ‘input’ command is a string. A string is essentially a collection of characters, which can include letters, symbols, numbers, and more. It’s important to note that when you input numbers using the ‘input’ command, they are stored as characters within a string. This means that you cannot …