I seriously did not find any Muhurat to write this article. Why? you ask! well as India is known to launch its space missions based on astrology, so shouldn’t I write based on some auspicious planetary meeting (yog)? We all have observed rise of use of astrology as some panacea. Every odd person is Thanos …
GajKesari Yog Dhasu Naam consists of the kings of the animal kingdom in its name. A literal translation will mean Elephant Lion Yog, but its meaning is complex. It means one with such yog will have the command like Gaj and Kesari, he/she will own elephants-lions power, rule over all possess all the riches, and the fame …
I was watching Nawazuddin’s interview online in which he was speaking passionately about his movie Raman Raghav 2.0. He expected the movie to do well. However the interviewer was bemused, as the dark movie showed killing of a young child and how can you expect such a dark movie to do well with Indian audiences! …