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An Eclectic Mix

Continued from Part 01 Let’s go bit’ Freud’ on Shvetaketu. While growing in the ashram of seer Uddhalaka, he had another companion named Ashtavakra. This Ashtavakra grew up to becomeone of the greatest sages. His works like Ashtavakra Gita and Ashtavakra Samhita explore topics like the nature of metaphysical existence and the meaning of individual …

You would have heard the term Rahu Kala (Rahu Kalam) a lot, if not a lot, at least in some movie or some god-fearing grandmother scaring you with it. This Rahu Kala or the Rahu’s operating period during a day brings fear in many. It is the time of the day that is under the …

When the Gods want to Punish us… They answer our Prayers              Oscar Wilde When it comes to punishing its folks, Crescent comes across as one of the most liberal institutions around.. and sometimes the Punishments beg a question, as to whom are exactly the punishments meant for: Crime: Shabbiness Indications: Dirty Clothes (Not Ironed), Dirty …